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Showing posts from August 31, 2009

How to Start Your Internet Business With Zero Capital

By Robert Paul Johnson With all the social forums out there today I often meet new marketers that really want to break into the internet marketing business but don't have any start up capital. They all want to work from home making the big bucks that the pros do but don't know where to start. This article will give the beginners some useful start up tips that will get your business up and running with zero capital. What are you good at? Write out a list of your best skills. Your best skills can be anything. Try taking your skills from your daily routine (for example how to feed a family of five for under $10) or through your job (hands on knowledge of a specific task that you perform at work) or a hobby (bowling, making jewelry, guitar, gardening) any one of these will qualify as skills to be written on your list. Now narrow your list down to a more specific niche that you really feel there is a demand for and one you can help people with. Let's say you play guitar on a reg...